COVID 19 Door Opener

Anti Bacterial Hands Free Door Opener
The Covid door opener is a simple device that allows you to control and avoid the spread of infection in your workplace. The door handle is designed so you never have to come into direct contact with a door handle and thus reduce your risk of exposure to infection. It has a hook mechanism so you can use it for both push and pull type doors. It can also be used to press buttons in elevators etc.
The Coronavirus door opener is an ID Card holder with an in-built door opening device that is simple and highly effective. This enables people to go about their daily work and eliminates the need to touch door handles, keypads, lift buttons and much more. This helps to significantly reduce the chances of acquiring infections – potentially saving lives.
The Covid 19 door opener is particularly suited to those working in Healthcare and Public sector environments who traverse through many doors each day.
This device helps to stop the spread of infection by enabling people to move freely and access through doorways.
Features & Benefits;
- PRECISION PUSH BUTTON TOOL – key pads, lift buttons, car-park barriers
- MULTI-FUNCTION TETHERING POINT – will connect to lanyards and retractable reels
- PERMANENT ANTIMICROBIAL PROTECTION ACTIVE 24/7 – proven to reduce the growth of bacteria by up to 99.99%
- DOOR OPENER – HOOK – PULL/PUSH – for pushing or pulling doors open with either lever on rose handles, pull handles and push plates
- SLIM AND ERGONOMIC DESIGN – Light enough to carry with you everywhere, whilst still being slim enough to store away when not in use
- COMPATIBLE WITH MOST EXISTING STAFF ID OR ACCESS CONTROL CARDS – easy to distribute globally and integrate with existing staff work wear

Talk to us today for advice on all things identification.
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