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Magicard Rio Pro 360 Printer


The Magicard brand has always focused heavily on security. Their exclusive, pateneted Holokote system returns on the Rio Pro 360. This system allows the user to print a custom watermark on their cards as an additional security measure.


This printer comes with a robust 3-year warranty. Magicard have a fantastic reputation for reliabilty, so it’s incredibly unlikely you will need to use it, but for peace of mind – it’s there.


The Magicard Rio Pro Printer offers Ethernet connectivity in addition to standard USB, so your ID program does not have to be limited to a stand-alone printing station.

  • Printing:Single or Dual-Sided
  • Print Method: Direct-to-card
  • Print Quality: 300DPI
  • Encoding:Optional Magnetic & MIFARE Encoding
  • Number of cards per year:10000 +
  • Card security level:High

Talk to us today for advice on all things identification.

We’re available 8:30am to 5pm on weekdays. Call 01 506 5661 or email