HID Entryprox Stand Alone Access Control Unit

<h3> Access Control Reader </h3>
The HID Entryprox is a stand-alone access control card reader which truly does stand alone in what it delivers. Compatible with all HID proximity cards and key tags, EntryProx provides single-door proximity access control and is ideal for small installations and remote locations. The reader, which is weather and vandal-resistant, is suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
The 12-position keypad features large white-on-black numbers which enable simple PIN entry. Furthermore, for extra security, EntryProx’s keypad incorporates an “invalid PIN” lockout feature, preventing unauthorized trial-and-error PIN entry.
The HID’s EntryProx® stand-alone reader truly stands alone in what it delivers. Compatible with all HID proximity cards and keytags, EntryProx® provides single-door proximity access control and is ideal for unique applications.

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